The motto above says it all. For more than forty years, ASP has had a single-minded focus on providing law enforcement officers with the finest tools for the safe performance of their duties, and industry-leading training in the use of those tools. Every day, professionals in over 100 countries trust our products and training with their lives—so they can’t afford less than the very best.  With over 60 different combinations of mechanism, size, materials and finish, there’s an ASP Baton for every officer, agency and mission. Restraints: With its entry into the handcuff business, ASP shook up a category of products that had gone generations without many innovations. Our handcuffs have raised the bar on street-smart features, speed, ease-of-use and safety, and set new benchmarks of quality and precision.  Training Tools: From our famous Red Guns, to purpose-designed handcuffs and batons and more, our gear reflects our heritage of world-class practical training, and our commitment to officer safety.